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اشهر موقع في العالم العربي

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure

    رئيس الموقع العام
    رئيس الموقع العام

    عدد المساهمات : 22
    تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2010

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  Empty Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure

    مُساهمة  رئيس الموقع العام الإثنين يونيو 28, 2010 8:16 am

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure (ISO)

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115629

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115630
    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115631
    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115632
    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115633
    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115634

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115635

    Mickey's First 3D Adventure

    Disaster has struck Mickey's Hometown! Big Bad Pete has kidnapped the newly elected mayor and taken over the running of the town. Your help is desperately needed to rescue the major and save the town from ruin.

    Play as and rescue either Mickey or Minnie.

    Discover hundreds of clickable animations in over 25 different locations, with help from Mickey and Minnie's friends : Donald, Daisy, Goofy & Pluto.

    Includes 5 different playable activities to which you can return time and time again.

    * Von Drake's Lab: Collect the parts Von Drake needs to complete his flying machine.
    * Donald's House: Help remove the motorway that has been built through the centre of Donald's Home.
    * Main Street: All the clues you pick up are safely stored away until you need them.
    * The Park: Learn to be environmental friendly and help Goofy clean up the park.

    Minimum System Requirements
    Microsoft Windows 95/98
    Pentium class processor 233 MHz or faster
    32 MB RAM
    100 MB free hard disk space
    8X speed CD-ROM drive
    16-bit DirectX-compatible sound card
    640x480, 16-bit colour DirectX-compatible 2MB-colour video card
    QuickTime 4.1.2

    Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  115636
    Enjoy Disney's Mickey Saves The Day - 3D Adventure  Smile

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