منتديات الروقان

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اشهر موقع في العالم العربي

    Age Of Empires III

    black eagles

    عدد المساهمات : 22
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2010

    Age Of Empires III Empty Age Of Empires III

    مُساهمة  black eagles الأربعاء يونيو 30, 2010 9:56 pm

    Age Of Empires III

    Age Of Empires III Wol_error
    Age Of Empires III Wol_errorهذه الصورة مصغره ... نقره على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقي ... المقاس الحقيقي 640x897 والحجم 292 كيلوبايت .
    Age Of Empires III I1hdud

    Age Of Empires III Wol_error

    Age Of Empires III Wol_errorAge Of Empires III Xpwwbc

    Age Of Empires III Wol_error

    *__&__&__&__&__*System Requirements

    (Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP)
    DirectX 9.0C - CPU Pentium III / 512 MB RAM
    Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0C
    Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers
    Free Hard Drive Space 2G


    [b]Installation [/b]

    [b]Run "Setup.bat"[/b]
    [b]Allow time to extract[/b]
    [b]Run "Age3.exe" to play [/b]




    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84775
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84785
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84799
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84808
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84817
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84825
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84835
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84844


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84776
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84786
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84800
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84809
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84818
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84826
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84836
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84845


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84777
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84787
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84801
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84810
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84819
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84827
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84837
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84846


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84778
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84788
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84802
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84811
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84820
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84828
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84838
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84847


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84779
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84790
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84803
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84812
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84821
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84829
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84839
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84848


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84781
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84791
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84804
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84813
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84822
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84830
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84840
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84849


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84782
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84793
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84805
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84814
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84823
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84831
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84841
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84850


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84783
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84795
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84806
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84815
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84834
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84832
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84842
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84851


    Part 1 . http://takemyfile.com/84784
    Part 2 . http://takemyfile.com/84796
    Part 3 . http://takemyfile.com/84807
    Part 4 . http://takemyfile.com/84816
    Part 5 . http://takemyfile.com/84824
    Part 6 . http://takemyfile.com/84833
    Part 7 . http://takemyfile.com/84843
    Part 8 . http://takemyfile.com/84853

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت أكتوبر 05, 2024 2:30 am